Country and programme

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about yourself


Tell us about yourself


Tell us about yourself

Please select the degree of how much you like doing the listed activities and how good you think you are at doing them. There are 20 activities for you to select. Don’t limit your choice because of your current level of skill and training, try to select based on what you really like to do. Have fun!

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

How much would you like to do this activity?

How good do you think you'd be at this activity?

Your characteristics and jobs

Discover your work personalities and potential jobs

Based on the quiz result, your work personalities are categorized and displayed below in blue. This profile is compared with the work personalities of people who have your [1], which is shown in orange. Scale of 1-7 shows the degree of how strong your personalities are reflected by the six common characteristics. If you think some areas of your personality should have stronger/lower scale, you can adjust the scale in the next step and tell us how you think you fit in these characteristics.

Your Profile


Practical and hands-on activities



Working with ideas and searching for answers to problems



Self-expression and working with forms, designs, and patterns



Working with, communicating, and/or teaching people



Starting up and carrying out projects



Working with data and following set procedures


Click on the following top five jobs

... to know more about what you might find interesting for building a career.

Please note that the information is useful as an indication and does not necessarily represent the market or condition of the country/region you live in. The database is from O*NET OnLine which focuses mostly on the labour market in the U.S.

Job results

Tell us what you think about your personalities

You can adjust the scale under each characteristic to see how best they demonstrate your personalities. The top five jobs will also be shown accordingly.







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